Root object fields
The FastStore API provides access to additional data fields that are not included in the native FastStore GraphQL schema. These fields can be accessed through the root object of each query. You can find more information on the available fields below.
Keep in mind that the fields below may not be available in the native FastStore GraphQL schema. To use the ones that are not available in the native schema, you must extend the schema.
Learn more about how you can use the root object fields in your storefront.
Product query rootโ
See below the root fields available on the product
FastStore API Product query.
Root (Product)โ
Field | Type | Description |
Videos | [String] | An array of video URLs related to the item. |
attachments | [Attachment] | An array of attachments related to the item. |
attachmentsValues | [Attachment] or undefined | An array of attachments values related to the item or undefined if there are no attachments. |
complementName | String | The complement name of the item. |
ean | String | The EAN (European Article Number) of the item. |
images | [Image] | An array of images related to the item. |
isKit | Boolean | Indicates whether the item is a kit or not. |
isVariantOf | Product | The product that this item is a variant of. |
itemId | String | The unique identifier of the item. |
kitItems | [KitItem] or undefined | An array of associated kit items or undefined if the item is not a kit. |
measurementUnit | String | The measurement unit of the item. |
modalType | any | The modal type of the item. |
name | String | The name of the item. |
nameComplete | String | The complete name of the item. |
referenceId | [ReferenceId] | An array of reference IDs related to the item. |
sellers | [Seller] | An array of sellers that sell the item. |
unitMultiplier | Number | The unit multiplier of the item. |
variations | [Variation] | An array of variations related to the item. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | A unique identifier for the attachment. |
name | String | The name of the attachment. |
required | Boolean | Specifies whether the attachment is required or optional. |
domainValues | String | Domain values of the attachment. |
Field | Type | Description |
imageId | String | A unique identifier for the image. |
imageLabel | String | A descriptive label for the image. |
imageTag | String | A tag or keyword associated with the image. |
imageText | String | Text associated with the image, such as a caption or description. |
imageUrl | String | The URL where the image can be accessed. |
Field | Type | Description |
brand | String | The name of the product brand. |
brandId | Number | The unique identifier of the brand. |
cacheId | String or undefined | The unique identifier of the cached product. |
categories | [String] | The list of categories that the product belongs to. |
categoriesIds | [String] | The list of category IDs that the product belongs to. |
categoryId | String | The ID of the primary category that the product belongs to. |
clusterHighlights | Record<String, any> | Cluster highlights associated with the product. |
description | String | The description of the product. |
items | [Item] | The list of items associated with the product. |
link | String | The link to the product page. |
linkText | String | The text for the link to the product page. |
priceRange | PriceRange | The price range of the product. |
productClusters | Record<String, String> | The list of product clusters associated with the product. |
productId | String | The unique identifier of the product. |
productName | String | The name of the product. |
productReference | String | The reference code of the product. |
properties | [Property] | The list of properties associated with the product. |
releaseDate | String | The release date of the product. |
selectedProperties | [Property] | The list of selected properties associated with the product. |
skuSpecifications | [SkuSpecification] or undefined | The list of SKU specifications associated with the product or undefined if there are no specifications. |
specificationGroups | [SpecificationGroup] | The list of specification groups associated with the product. |
Field | Type | Description |
listPrice | Price | The original or suggested price of the product. |
sellingPrice | Price | The current selling price of the product. |
Field | Type | Description |
highPrice | Number or null | The highest price available for the product or service, or null if not available. |
lowPrice | Number or null | The lowest price available for the product or service, or null if not available. |
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the property. |
values | [String] | The possible values that the property can have. |
Field | Type | Description |
field | SKUSpecificationField | SKU specification field object. |
value | [SKUSpecificationValue] | Values associated with the SKU specification field. |
Field | Type | Description |
id | String or undefined | The unique identifier for the SKU specification. |
name | String | The name of the SKU specification. |
originalName | String or undefined | The original name of the SKU specification before any modifications. |
Field | Type | Description |
fieldId | String or undefined | The unique identifier for the field associated with the SKU specification value. |
id | String or undefined | The unique identifier for the SKU specification value. |
name | String | The name of the SKU specification value. |
originalName | String or undefined | The original name of the SKU specification value before any modifications were made. |
Field | Type | Description |
itemId | String | Unique identifier for the kit item. |
amount | Number | The quantity of the kit item included in the kit. |
Field | Type | Description |
Key | String | The unique identifier for the reference. |
Value | String | The value associated with the reference. |
Field | Type | Description |
addToCartLink | String | The URL to add the product to cart for this seller. |
comertialOffer | ComertialOffer | The commercial offer details for this seller. |
sellerDefault | Boolean | Indicates whether this seller is the default seller for the product. |
sellerId | String | The unique identifier of the seller. |
sellerName | String | The name of the seller. |
Field | Type | Description |
AvailableQuantity | Number | The quantity of this item that is available for purchase. |
BuyTogether | [Any] | An array of items that can be purchased together with this item. |
CacheVersionUsedToCallCheckout | String | The version of the cache used to call the checkout API. |
DeliverySlaSamples | [DeliverySlaSample] | An array of delivery SLA (Service Level Agreement) samples for this item. |
DeliverySlaSamplesPerRegion | Record<string, DeliverySlaSamples> | Delivery SLA samples for this item per region. |
DiscountHighLight | Array of any | An array of discount highlights for this item. |
GetInfoErrorMessage | Any | An error message returned when trying to get information about this item. |
GiftSkuIds | [String] | An array of SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) IDs for gift items associated with this item. |
Installments | [Installment] | An array of installment options available for this item. |
ItemMetadataAttachment | [Any] | An array of item metadata attachments for this item. |
ListPrice | Number | The list price of this item. |
Price | Number | The price of this item. |
PriceValidUntil | String | The date until which the price of this item is valid. |
PriceWithoutDiscount | Number | The price of this item without any discounts applied. |
RewardValue | Number | The reward value for this item. |
Tax | Number | The tax applied to the price of this item. |
Teasers | Array of Record<string, unknown> | An array of teaser information for this item. |
spotPrice | Number | The spot price of this item. |
teasers | [Record<string, unknown>] or undefined | An array of teaser information for this item or undefined if there are no teasers available. |
Field | Type | Description |
DeliverySlaPerTypes | [Any] | An array of delivery service level agreements (SLAs) for different types of deliveries. |
Region | Any | The region where the delivery service is available. |
Field | Type | Description |
InterestRate | Number | The interest rate for the installment plan. |
Name | String | The name of the installment plan. |
NumberOfInstallments | Number | The number of installments in the plan. |
PaymentSystemGroupName | String | The name of the payment system group associated with the installment plan. |
PaymentSystemName | String | The name of the payment system associated with the installment plan. |
TotalValuePlusInterestRate | Number | The total value of the purchase including the interest rate for the installment plan. |
Value | Number | The value of each installment in the plan. |
All products query rootโ
The allProducts
query root object contains the native schema product query fields and the product query root fields detailed above.
Collection query rootโ
See below the root fields available on the collection
FastStore API Product query. Since collections may have different types, there are different fields associated with each of them: Brand, CategoryTree, and CollectionPageType.
Root (Brand)โ
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | A unique identifier for the brand. |
name | String | The name of the brand. |
isActive | Boolean | Indicates whether the brand is currently active or not. |
title | String | The title of the brand, used for SEO purposes. |
metaTagDescription | String | The meta tag description for the brand, used for SEO purposes. |
imageURL | String or null | The URL of the brand image, if available. |
Root (CategoryTree)โ
Field | Type | Description |
MetaTagDescription | String | The meta tag description for the category page. |
Title | String | The title of the category page. |
children | [CategoryTree] | An array of child categories for the current category. |
haschildren | Boolean | A flag indicating whether the current category has child categories. |
id | String | The unique identifier for the category. |
name | String | The name of the category. |
url | String | The URL of the category page. |
Root (CollectionPageType)โ
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | A unique identifier for the collection page. |
name | String | The name of the collection page. |
url | String | The URL of the collection page. |
title | String | The title of the collection page. |
MetaTagDescription | String | The meta tag description of the collection page. |
pageType | String | The type of the collection page. |
All collections query rootโ
The allCollections
query root object contains the native schema collection query fields and the collection query root fields detailed above.
Search query rootโ
See below the root fields available on the search
FastStore API Product query.
Root (Search)โ
Field | Type | Description |
productSearchPromise | Promise<ProductSearchResult> | A promise that resolves to the search results for a product. |
searchArgs | Omit<SearchArgs, 'type'> | The search arguments used to filter and sort the product search results. |
Field | Type | Description |
correction | Correction or undefined | Specifies whether a correction was made to the search query, or if it is undefined. |
fuzzy | String | Fuzzy search term used in the query. |
locale | String | Locale used for the search query. |
operator | String | Operator used in the search query. |
options | Options | Search options used in the query. |
pagination | Pagination | Pagination settings used for the search results. |
products | [Product] | Contains an array of product objects that match the search query. |
query | String | Original search query string. |
recordsFiltered | Number | Specifies the total number of products that match the search query. |
sampling | Boolean | Indicates whether the search results are a random sample of the total matching products. |
translated | Boolean | Indicates whether the search query was automatically translated. |
Field | Type | Description |
misspelled | Boolean | A flag indicating whether a word is misspelled or not. |
Field | Type | Description |
counts | [Count] | An array of counts that represent the number of items in a search. |
sorts | [Sort] | An array of sorts that represent the sorting options available for a search. |
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The number of items in the search that the API endpoint is returning. |
proxyURL | String | A URL that can be used to retrieve the same resource through a proxy server. |
Field | Type | Description |
active | Boolean or undefined | Determines if the sorting feature is active or not. |
field | String | Field to be sorted. |
order | String | Specifies the order in which the data should be sorted. |
proxyURL | String | Specifies the URL of the proxy server to be used for sorting. |
Field | Type | Description |
after | [Page] | Array of pages after the current page. |
before | [Page] | Array of pages before the current page. |
count | Number | The total number of items across all pages. |
current | Page | Information about the current page. |
first | Page | Information about the first page. |
last | Page | Information about the last page. |
next | Page | Information about next page. |
perPage | Number | The number of items per page. |
previous | Page | Information about the previous page. |
Field | Type | Description |
index | Number | The index of the item in the list. |
proxyURL | String | The URL of the proxy server to be used. |
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The number of search results to return. |
fuzzy | String or undefined | A string used for fuzzy search. |
hideUnavailableItems | Boolean or undefined | Indicates whether unavailable items should be hidden. |
page | Number | The page number of the search results to return. |
query | String or undefined | A string used for keyword search. |
selectedFacets | [SelectedFacet] or undefined | An array of selected facets used to filter the search results. |
sort | Sort or undefined | A sort object used to sort the search results. |
Field | Type | Description |
key | String | The name of the selected facet. |
value | String | The value of the selected facet. |