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How to configure your store to produce Intelligent Search reports

This guide covers how to have Intelligent Search (IS) reports for your store. You'll be able to do this by sending the appropriate user events to IS.

Intelligent Search reports might be empty because there is no user data to feed them. To do that, events have to be sent containing additional metadata returned during search queries.

Be mindful of the reference Pull Request present in the Additional Resources section. It contains all the changes required to make the Next.js starter work appropriately and might serve as an accompanying, more practical guide.

Before you startโ€‹

Before you begin, you should already have:

  • @faststore/api installed with version 1.12.35 or higher. If you are coming from a previous version, be aware of possible breaking changes that might have been introduced in other versions of the package.

You should also consider that:

  • This guide is based on the Next.js starter. Still, it is applicable to Gatsby stores as they should require a fairly similar process.
  • Intelligent Search reports only consider full-text searches.
  • Reports might take up to 8 hours to show on the respective admin page after all steps are completed.

Step by stepโ€‹

Step 1 - Adding required fields to full-text search queriesโ€‹

  1. Find every full-text search query in the store

In the Next JS starters, they are the ProductGalleryQuery and SearchSuggestionsQuery.

Not every search query is full-text. You can consider a search query as being full-text if the query variable term is not empty.

  1. Add the metadata fragment to above one of the queries

Here's the snippet for the metadata fragment:

fragment SearchEvent_metadata on SearchMetadata {
  1. Add the metadata field and subfields (fragment) to your search query
metadata {
  1. If not yet present, add the products.pageInfo.totalCount field to the query
products {
pageInfo {

After all the steps, the ProductGalleryQuery in the Next.js starter looked like this:

export const query = gql`
fragment SearchEvent_metadata on SearchMetadata {

query ProductGalleryQuery(
$first: Int!
$after: String!
$sort: StoreSort!
$term: String!
$selectedFacets: [IStoreSelectedFacet!]!
) {
first: $first
after: $after
sort: $sort
term: $term
selectedFacets: $selectedFacets
) {
products {
pageInfo {
facets {
metadata {
  1. Generate the types from the GraphQL queries

Run the store (yarn develop) in a terminal. In another terminal, run the yarn generate command to update the types generated from the GraphQL queries inside the store.

Step 2 - Send the event to the DOMโ€‹

For the event to be sent to Intelligent Search, it first has to be sent to the DOM, so it can be read by the appropriate handler.

  1. Add intelligent_search_query event types to the store's SDK

In the src/sdk/analytics/types.ts file, add the following types:

export interface IntelligentSearchQueryParams {
url: string;
locale: string;
term: string;
logicalOperator: string;
isTermMisspelled: boolean;
totalCount: number;

export interface IntelligentSearchQueryEvent {
name: "intelligent_search_query";
params: IntelligentSearchQueryParams;
  1. Add onSucess callback to search query callers

Find out where the queries are being called and add an onSucess callback that fires the intelligent_search_query event to each of them.

These events should include the required data based on the event type added in step 1. For that, you might need to call hooks to gather the necessary information, such as the current locale.

You should use @faststore/sdk's sendAnalyticsEvent helper function to send these events.

Here's an example:

useQuery<Query, Variables>(query, localizedVariables, {
onSuccess: (data) => {
if (data && term) {
name: "intelligent_search_query",
params: {
url: window.location.href,
logicalOperator: ?? "and",
isTermMisspelled: ?? false,

Update the src/sdk/analytics/platform/vtex/search.ts file to look exactly like this copy of that same file.

This will update the analytics Search handler to deal with the newly created intelligent_search_query event.


The effect of these changes on the Intelligent Search Analytics page can take up to 8 hours. You can check if you have implemented everything correctly by looking for requests to on your browser's Network Tab

Additional resourcesโ€‹

Next.js starter Pull Request - reference